Six Tips For Running A Tight Self-Storage Ship

sydney family after removals job by Smoothmoves.

Taking a self-storage unit is a great way to keep your stuff safe and secure. Organising your self-storage space is a smart one-step-further that’s guaranteed to make your self-storage experience smoother.

Here are our six tips for organizing your self-storage space:


Room to move

Less is more. That ol’ chesnut… there’s something to it. Whether you’re storing your worldly possessions or just a couple of your favourite things, it’s better to have too much space than not enough. Even if it starts off sparse, chances are as life expands and contracts, you’ll fill it eventually. Having room in your self-storage unit to move around without shifting and lifting will keep you a happier storer. Our Northern Beaches Self-Storage units can accommodate your studio apartment or 4-bedroom house.


Boxing hierarchy

Putting things in boxes willy-nilly will leave you in a logistics rage down the track. Take the time to think about what you’ll need to access regularly and what you’ll only need once in a blue moon and box them up accordingly. If it’s possible, using shelving in your self-storage unit will help keep things organised and safe from damage.


Big items at the back

If big items like appliances, furniture, bikes, and beds are part of your self-storage story – put them at the back of your space. Odds are, you won’t need to access the big stuff in a hurry so putting them at the back is the best way to begin. If you’ve got longer items, you can stand them up on end to save space. Remember to defrost fridges and freezers and store them with the door ajar, ensure electrical goods are totally dry and washing machines are drained.


Label, label, label – it’s not just a fable

Always have a marker and labels at arms reach. Legible labeling means you can access your things at a glance. Adopting a colour code for room categories can add further sense to your sorting. And don’t forget to keep track of boxes stored inside other items. Drawers and doors can help you save space but only if you know where to look.


Sketch and fetch

You don’t have to be Da Vinci to sketch the layout of your self-storage space. A floor plan-type diagram works best as a key to keeping things locatable. Draw it while it’s fresh in your mind and put it up behind the door in your self-storage space for quick reference and memory refresh.


Sensible stacking

When you’re boxing up your belongings, it’s best to use only two box sizes. This simple decision makes stacking simpler. Bigger moving boxes should be robust enough to take the weight of stacking while smaller boxes can house the lighter loads.

By following these six simple actions, you’ll have an organised, usable self-storeage space and run a tight storage ship. The smooth removalists at our Northern Beaches branch will also keep in mind the length of stay for the storage and whether easy access is needed for some goods. With Smoothmoves stacking experience in utilising as much storage space as possible, you will be happy that costs will be kept down.