Six Tips For Minor Moving

Moving Family with moving boxes in the background

Nobody likes moving. Packing your life into boxes and essentially starting again can bring up anxiety and stress. We’ve all been through it – you need to move for whatever reason and you’ve made the decision. Now the hard part starts.


We know what we’re in for… the endless task of sorting through decades of stuff. Shifting to a new place in a new neighbourhood is difficult enough when you know what you’re in for so spare a thought for the little people amongst you. It’s their first time moving and they don’t know what’s on the other side of turning their lives upside down.


Saying farewell to neighbours, friends, their favourite park and playground are all difficult for a child. Familiar is important as a kid and moving can strip all of that away pretty quickly. We’ve all had to start anew but this might be the first time your kids have had to change schools and start from scratch.


To make the process more inclusive and less scary, make sure your kids are involved right from the start. Here are three ways to make sure little people feel part of the conversation:


Wish List

Get together around the dinner table and make a no-holds-barred, aim-for-the-moon fun family wish list. This will show you what’s important to your kids whether it be a big backyard, their own bedrooms or a driveway to shoot hoops. While it’s impossible to have everything, let this list loosely guide you in making your decisions.


Family Hunting

Even though it can be tough having the kids in tow when you’re dashing around open homes, it’s a really good idea to take them with you on your house hunt. Involve them online too – show them pictures of the places you’re considering and let them voice their opinions.


Once you’ve all found a new place to call home, there are some simple things you can do to make sure you have a Smoothmove:


Chit Chat

The worst thing you can do is tell your kids out of the blue that you’re moving next week. Leaving them out of the process means the news hits hard and fast, giving them no time to adjust and process the move in their own way. Make them feel important by giving them jobs to do. When it comes to moving day, prepare your kids by talking them through what will happen and make sure that while you’re carrying boxes, they’re away from the stress with a familiar person.


Room Project

Make the change fun. Let the kids choose paint colours and make a collage of their dream room using cutouts from magazines. Create some excitement by helping them sketch out what will go where.


Go-To Toys

To make the change friendlier and less jarring, pack an easy-access box of the kids’ favourite toys and books which will give them a feeling of security in their new environment.


Discover Together

Before you make the move, spend some quality time with the kids in your new hood. Discover new parks, play equipment, public pool and bush tracks together so that they can begin to connect with their new surrounds.