Property Inspection Tips

Viewing a rental property can be a whirlwind experience. When properties only open for fifteen minutes and are crowded with prospective tenants, it can be tricky to see the little things.

Picking a home is a very personal thing and most people rely on their instinct to determine to if the look and feel of a place is right for you. There are some practical considerations that you need to think about to ensure you’re going to be happy and comfortable in your new digs.

Hot And Cold

If you’re viewing the property in summer and there’s a cool breeze, you might be freezing in winter. Make sure you ask which direction the property faces so as you know if you’re going to get the sun or rely solely on a heater. If there’s an air conditioning unit, ask if it works and when it was last serviced.


Often inspections happen when there’s someone else’s furniture already there. Just because their fridge fits, doesn’t mean your fridge will. Measure to check if your fridge and washing machine will fit and if there are suitable power and water outlets for both.

Gas or Electric

It’s a personal preference, but you may feel strongly about one or the other. If you already have a gas heater, check if there’s a gas connection available or whether you can have one installed.


This is a big one. Often on inspection day, tenants will shove everything they own under the bed or at the top of the cupboard. Out of sight, out of mind. Take stock of what’s out and how many cupboards there are. If there isn’t enough storage, is there space to put additional cupboards in?


If you’re lucky enough to grab a garden, check whose responsibility it is to maintain it. If you’re time poor and you’ve now got an acre of lawn to love, you might want to think twice. If it’s shared, make sure you ask the agent who does what.


Power outlets are often hidden behind TV units or couches. If you cant see them, ask the agent how many outlets there are. Especially if it’s an older building or if you work from home, there may not be enough outlets to power your modern devices. Overloading the electrical circuit can cause the power to trip.

If you are looking tips for choosing a new rental property, there is a great post by hard money lenders in Arizona which wrote an comprahensive gudie.