Moving With Kids

Moving house is stressful for anyone of any age, but small children present unique challenges. Including kids in the moving process and making plans for them on the big day can help avoid tantrums and get moved, smoother.
Talk about the move with the kids
The most important part of preparing for a move with your kids is to talk to them about it. Try to give them the most information as possible, without leaving it to the last minute. A great thing to keep in mind is to be receptive to both positive and negative reactions to the move. Kids aren’t always up for change and it is important to be a stable source of comfort if need be.
Let them help you pack
This may seem like more trouble than it’s worth, but letting kids help pack up their things can help them see a finality to the situation and that they have control over what happens next. Let them pack and unpack their favourite things into moving boxes, but make sure you keep their night time and comfort items aside for later use. Giving the kids special tasks and responsibilities makes it a special occasion, especially when you’re praising their help.
Make room plans
Get your kids excited about the new home by getting their input on the new house and how it should be arranged and decorated. Take the kids with you on field trips to the paint swatch aisle, the furniture store, and anywhere else if they’re interested. This will help them feel like they’re a part of the process and that they have a level of influence over the outcome of the move.
Host a “see you later” party
Saying goodbye to friends can be tough, especially on young children. By throwing a “See You Later” party, everyone gets to have the opportunity to exchange phone numbers, contact information, and take pictures of the kids together. This is also a great opportunity to make future plans like weekend visits, sleepovers, and even birthday activities. This will help lessen the anxiety of never seeing your friends again.
On moving day
Depending on the age of the children, it might be more appropriate to have family or friends look after the kids on moving day. When moving large items, it can sometimes be hard to see small children wandering around, so its best that they are entertained and kept in a quiet place. Have a supply of the important things on hand – snacks, nappies, bottles, clothing, nightwear, and their favourite toys. Try to have their bedroom set up and familiar before they arrive, this will lessen the shock factor. Most unpacking companies will help you to prioritise the child’s room first. Leaving a few boxes out for the kids to unpack will help them own the space and feel more at home.
Be a tourist in your new home
Once you’ve been in the house for almost a week and you’re starting to settle in, it’s time to explore the new community. If there is one, buy a guidebook for your new city. Grab it and a calendar and sit down with the kids to plan some fun outings around the area. It’s important to engage your kids and show them all that your new home has to offer.