Moving to Sydney Guide

Aerial view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, during sunset

Making the big leap to beautiful Sydney? Congratulations! Moving can be very overwhelming, but take your time and make some lists, you will be fine. In this article, we have included a few of the big-ticket things to organise both ahead of the move and afterwards along with tips and sources for getting it done!

Sydney Harbour with the Opera house as background

Moving your actual stuff

There’s nothing like living in a maze of packing boxes for days to make you wish you’d planned ahead. It’s critical to get this lined up right away, as during busy months you might not be able to get the date you were hoping for. If you can afford it, removalists that can pack your things for you takes much much less time and infinitely less stress than packing it yourself. Whether you go pro or not don’t forget to label your boxes, so your Sydney removalists can see what goes where. 


Looking for work in Sydney

Thankfully looking for work is a very online experience in Sydney. Job postings for grocery store cashiers and machinery operators to graphic designers and admin staff are online on the big sites like Indeed or Gumtree or go through a recruitment agency like Hays Recruitment or Randstad, the biggest online job platforms in Australia are LinkedIn and Indeed. If you have a visa allowing you to work in Australia already arranged, be sure to state that at the top of your CV. Do have a read through of your CV, looking for terms or phrases that may not make sense outside of your home country. 


Language skills in Australia

Of course, if you’re looking for work in English, you will need to get your language skills up. There are online options such as Lingoda, this allows you to get the best of a flexible, online schedule, with live teachers online, This is great when you’re still finding your way around a new city or country because you don’t have to depend on getting somewhere new or signing up for a long course of lessons, Lingoda also has a one-week trial if you wanted to give it a go!
Of course, another great way of learning a new language is by doing, ensuring you dive in and speak to locals is a great way of expanding your vocabulary and learning Aussie slang. 


Healthcare in Australia

Healthcare in Australia is excellent, but it can be a little tough to figure out what you need to do. Medicare is the universal healthcare system, and you may be eligible to join it if you come from countries that have a Reciprocal Healthcare Agreement including Belgium, Finland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the Republic of Ireland, Slovenia, Sweden, or the United Kingdom. If you don’t come from one of these countries, you will probably have to buy private insurance. For dental care, you will need private health insurance, or you can pay out of pocket. Emergency services, like ambulances, are not covered by Medicare, so if you’re going private, read your policy carefully. It’s pretty hard to plan ahead for falling off your bicycle or getting in an accident. Also, it’s worth noting that if you join a gym, you can claim back your membership against certain private health insurance programmes, so it is worth checking before you sign up. 




Meeting people in Sydney

It’s hard making friends when you move to a new city, and I firmly believe in scheduling time to do this the same way you do connecting up your Internet and electricity. It’s all about going to as many events as you can, and as long as you feel comfortable, saying yes to parties, dinners, and events there are also great websites such as Meetup to jon groups with people that share common interests.. I met my best friends through other acquaintances, so get out there and go for quantity over quality at first. It’s not uncommon for it to take at least a year to feel comfortable in a new city, and two or three to really feel like it’s home. So take some classes, go on those expat association hikes, and join the parent’s council at your child’s school. You will find your people eventually.