6 How-To Tips To Pack Electronics & Cables Whilst Moving

Organised desk with a laptop, notebook, and accessories.

You don’t have to tear your hair out over moving- let’s make it as stress-free as possible.

No one likes moving especially with eletronics. It can be quite stressful, and it can lead to some anxiety days before the actual move. 

Containing Your Cables

But it doesn’t always have to be that way. With a little careful planning and some thoughtful decisions, moves can be quite the breeze, and can even be enjoyable.

If you’re moving, you’re going to be starting a brand new life in a different place. Your first step in making a big change in your life is so important as it sets the tone for the rest of the experience. Start on the strong and correct first step by planning out your move!

Here are some of our recommendations to make for a stress-free move.

1. Plan for it weeks before the move.

Believe us when we say that impulse is your #1 enemy when moving. And the most important part of planning- research!

Check out the place you’re moving into. Is it going to be safe? Is it going to be convenient? What kind of community are you moving into? Are there any nearby dangers?

It might seem a little obsessive, but you’re going to be living in that area- it pays to be prepared for anything!

Of course, you’ll also need to check out your routes- you certainly wouldn’t want to be lost before the move. Make sure that you have GPS routes set before the date, and make sure that you’ve gone to the area you’ll be moving to ahead of the move (ideally, you’ll have gone a couple of times to familiarize yourself with the area, and to make sure that you’ve inspected the place at least a couple of times).

2. Pack everything up ahead of time

On top of planning, you’ll need to make sure that you’ve packed everything ahead of time. Don’t do it days before the move- do it weeks before the move. Pack things up slowly. Spend a couple of days per room that you have in your current residence, and take things slow.

If you take things slow, you can then figure out if you need to bring some things along, and which ones to leave or discard.

The problem with moving is the sheer bulk of items that you’ll need to carry. If you can make it as light as possible bringing only the things that you truly need, then that makes for so much less stress.

Of course, you’ll need sturdy containers to bring your stuff along; make sure that you’ve got some weeks before the move so you can start packing. If not, get yours here.

There are hiring options for removal boxes- try this service out before buying boxes that you’ll only discard after the move. Not only are these rentals sturdy, but you’ll be saving more money and helping out the environment (moving generates a lot of trash in the form of boxes, after all!)

3. Wrap & protect electronics

Electronics are always a little hard to pack for and can be quite troublesome. That counts TVs, stereos, personal computers, among many others. But like we said, a move doesn’t have to be stressful- here are our recommendations!

A little towel and some bubble wrap does wonders for securing your electronics for the move. First, make sure that you have towels at the bottom of the box, and then wrap the entire item in bubble wrap.

With that inside the box, you’re preventing any damage to the box unless of course it’s dropped from a considerable height or handled irresponsibly. 

For electronics that have delicate displays, make sure that you’re wrapping them in extra bubble wrap before putting it in the box (items like monitors, flat screen, TVs among some others).

4. Keep the small items close! 

Other electronics such as laptops, phones, handheld devices can be packed inside a bag but make sure that you’re keeping these items close so as not to forget them (the footwell of a passenger seat is perfect). If you have sensitive electronics that aren’t supposed to be subjected to impact, make sure that you have a padded bag to prevent any damage.

5. Contain the cables! 

One sure way to smooth out your move is to pack your electrical cords in a way to avoid having to confront a rage-inducing tangled heap of cables upon arrival at your new home.

No Kinks

Beginning with basic cable management, make sure you don’t create any kinks in your cables. It’s easy – just alternate the direction you pull each time you create a loop. This way, when it comes time to unwind, it will actually unwind.

Shorter Cables

One way to help keep your cables at bay is to shorten their length. Well, you don’t actually shorten them, you just limit the availability of each loose end. Begin with a single coil and loop one end through the middle and around the cable. Once you’re done, you can just unwind the length that you need.

Quick Shorter Cables

The above method is great, but if you’re frantically packing the night before your move, there’s another option that can save you a bit of time. Just coil your cable normally and start wrapping the ends towards the end.

Busy Bull Clips

If the truck is already on its way and you’ve literally only got a few minutes, wrap the cable back and forth a few times and secure it together with a bull clip. There are some drawbacks to this method, but it might be your best option if you want to get moving and grab a coffee when your Smooth Movers arrive.

Sticky Tape

Last but not least, if you intend to keep your cables out of sight for quite some time, just wrap them up as carefully as you can and then go to town with a strip of tape. Another option is to use a trusty cable tie.

6. Unwind! 

Moves don’t have to be stressful. Follow these tips and starting your new life in a different place should be fun and easy! Technology can also assist with the move, having an item like a reverse camera is a godsend when reversing a large truck! If you need assistance with your move, contact us here today.