What To Pack Last

sydney family after removals job by Smoothmoves.

It’s the day before the move. You’re starting to get a bit stressed and have begun throwing miscellaneous bits and pieces into any open box you can find. This is the exact scenario we’re trying to avoid. They key to a good move (aside from a good removalist) is careful planning, including what to pack last. Methodically moving through rooms will save you a whole lot of pain on the other side.


Here’s a list of five essentials you’ll want handy at the other end; what to pack last:



Keep your removalist close and your box cutter closer. If there’s ever a time you need a hammer, tape measure, allen key or hand drill – it’s on moving day. When you get to the other end and start unloading, you might need to measure and make sure your favourite armchair is going to fit.


Phone Charger 

Yes, it’s a first world problem but moving day can be logistically challenging. You’re going to need your phone for giving people directions, ordering pizza, connecting electricity, phoning a friend for moral support or taking photos of your new home as it unfolds.


Cleaning Supplies

It’s easier to clean the inside of a cupboard before you unpack. Keep a few garbage bags, cloths, detergent and gloves handy incase you need to clean something. A roll of paper towel may be your best kept secret on moving day.


Pet Food 

If you have a pet, keep some snacks, treats and their favourite toy handy. Pets can find moving unsettling and you need to make their comfort a priority. Try to keep their routine as smooth as you can. Regular walks and water will help your furry friends settle in better.


Extension Cords and Power Boards

Often when moving, we don’t pay close attention to where the power outlets are. Once the furniture it put in its place, it can be difficult to shift around. Having a few extension cords and power outlets handy will make connecting your computer, TV and lamps a whole lot easier.